Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Girl Friendship Phonyness

I think that girls have about 3 categories of girl friends. Of course girls have guy friends, too, but this blog is about girl friends. There's #1 Best Girl Friends, #2 Good Girl Friends, and #3 Girl "Friend(s)"/Girl(s) That You Talk To Sometimes If Your Good Or Best Friends Aren't Around. Girls think mean comments in their head about what the girl(s) say that they talk to if her better friends aren't around. A girl will be talking with her "friend" and think Oh my god, she is such a whiner. God, can't she just shut up? Or they think Ew her hair looks awful today but then they say "Your hair looks so great today!"
All girls have at least one girl they do that to. You know you do. I do it to one girl "friend". I do it because she's not a very trustworthy person. She's a gossip hound but I like to say nice things to her so I don't get on her bad, rumor spreading side.

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